AnyDataset provides a common class called DBDataSet for connect to a relational databases. An example on how to connect is defined below:

$db = \ByJG\AnyDataset\Factory::getDbRelationalInstance('pdodriver://root@localhost/dbname');
$iterator = $db->getIterator('select * from some_table');

In this example the system uses a connection string using the format of URI (Universal Resource Identifier).

The URI have the follow format:


The driver is any PDO driver available in your PHP installation. The list of all existing PDO drivers is available here. The driver name is the name of the PDO extension, without the 'pdo_' by default.

Anydataset also implements two special drivers.

One is a driver for the SQLRelay.

SQLRelay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying, load balancing and query routing system for Unix and Linux.

Another driver is a native implementation of the Oracle OCI8 library. This is necessary because the PDO Oracle driver still EXPERIMENTAL and some platforms could not install this driver.

The driver name for SQLRelay is sqlrelay and the driver name for oracle native implementation is oci8

Another possibility is to connect to a database is file based. The DSN syntax is:




Below some real examples:

Connect to MySQL at server localhost and database test identified by 'root' with no password:


Connect to MySQL at server localhost and database test identified by 'root' and password '1234'


Connect to a SQL Lite database at /data/users.sqlite


Connect to a SQLRelay instance 'test' at the server '' identified by 'joao' and password '1234'


See also Connecting to Data Sources